On the blog
Fill your cup first
There are always plenty of needs that have to be met, which can leave very little time for yourself. However, your own self care needs to come first mummas, and here is why!
Pin Worms in kids, more common then you think!
They are very easily spread in classroom and daycare situations, mostly via hands.
Here are some of the most common symptoms, however its also possible for kids to be infected and not display any symptoms at all!
▪️Itchy bottom
▪️Itchy vagina
▪️Restless sleep
▪️Teeth grinding
▪️Behavioral and mood changes
▪️Bed wetting
▪️Night terrors or nightmares
▪️Uncharacteristic lack of appetite
Side effects from ‘the Pill’
The Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) is a very widely used drug today, either as a contraceptive agent or as a treatment for hormonal complications. What’s not so widely known about it is the many side effects it causes. Today’s article is all about these side effects, and I believe every woman who is on the pill, or thinking of using it, needs to know what the risks are in order to make an informed choice.
What does it mean to work with a Naturopath?
Many people wonder what it is a Naturopath actually does, and what they can get out of this experience. Today I’m going to break this down for you. We will discuss what you can expect when you work with me as your Naturopath, and how this process educates, empowers, and transforms your knowledge and health. Naturopathy is a wonderful form of healthcare, and it’s unlike any other that you may have experienced before. Let’s start by looking at what happens in your first consult with me.
Is plastic screwing with your hormones?
Plastic is universal and is very much a part of daily life in our modern society. It can be found everywhere, from baby nappies and sanitary products to our morning coffee in its takeaway cup.
What is a healthy period?
On the blog this week I discuss all things healthy periods with you.
How long should your cycle be?
What are your hormones doing throughout your cycle?
How much blood should you lose, and how much is too much?
We dive deep into the wonders of the female lunar cycle
Heavy periods- could low iron be the cause?
Heavy periods and suspect you may be low in Iron? I talk about other signs and symptoms to look out for and what to do if you are low in iron.
Healthy periods = balanced hormones = Happy
A period should arrive with no pain, no mood swings, be medium to light flow and arrive every 27-28 days. If your period is anything outside of this, you may need my help.