Healthy periods = balanced hormones = Happy
If you aren’t on hormonal contraception you should have a nice healthy looking bleed that arrives on time, with no fuss - no, cravings, no sore boobs, no bad skin and not wanting to kill someone! Any period related problems can be your body talking to you, you just need to listen!
What is normal then?
A normal bleed is between 4-6 days
27/28 days apart
When your period starts it should start (No spotting or light brown bleed before hand)
Nice rich, bright red blood is ideal!
No clots (or very small on occasion...5c coin size)
Flow should be medium strong but not too heavy.
An awareness at onset on bleed is ok, But pain is not normal or expected normal
If your period is not like this, don’t stress ...there is a lot we can do to assist you. .
What is a normal amount of blood to lose?
You should loose a total of about 50mls of menstrual fluid over the days of your period
Less then 25mls is considered a scanty flow
More then 80mls is considered a heavy flow
You can estimate your volume by counting the number of menstrual products.
One soaked regular pad or tampon holds 5mls (about a teaspoon)
One super tampon or pad holds 10mls
A half filled tampon/pad is about 2.5mls
Your monthly periods is your report card of health! How did you go this month?