Meet Kiera
Kiera Hinshaw
Welcome, I’m Kiera, a Mama, Naturopath and Wellness leader on a mission to inspire YOU to create a life of radiant health and abundant joy. If a life bursting with energy, wellness and inspiration interests you, grab a cuppa and read on.
This is my story!
My big WHY, why do I specialise in the health and wellness of other mums?
Overwhelm, fatigue, post-partum exhaustion, difficulty breast feeding, mother guilt, a feeling of lack, hormonal imbalances, sugar and coffee cravings! These were my constant companions, and I have been right where you are now!
After becoming a new mum, I was so overwhelmed trying to balance my new role as a mother with my business and home life. Not to mention trying to have a relationship with my husband, a social life, and be a generally nice human being. IT was hard!
Breast feeding did not come easily to me either. Both of my children had lip and tongue ties, and the guilt I felt at not being able to breastfeed them easily was crippling at times.
Adding to this burden was the fact that both of my children did not sleep well, which really compounded my exhaustion. My favourite part of the day when they were little was going to have a nap with them both at lunch time. I hung out for this nap, because I new it was the only thing keeping me going. Coffee and chocolate gave me quick energy, but also added to my guilt and fatigue. I knew that I deserved better, but I had no energy to do better.
Thankfully, when my youngest child was no longer a newborn, I came back to my Naturopathic roots. I realised that I needed to change my perception of what stress was for me and use my hard-earned health knowledge to give myself the food, movement and herbal medicine that I so desperately needed.
One of the things that changed my world was daily gratitude practice. Dinner was a real drag when I was so tired, but rather than perceiving it as a monumental task that I had to get through, I would say to myself “I am grateful I have money to afford good quality food” or “I am grateful my kids eat well”. It truly changed the whole experience, and this gratefulness slowly spread out into the rest of my life.
Herbal medicine was a huge part of my healing journey. The right herbs allowed me to cope much better with my overwhelm and rebalance my nervous system. I then had more energy to focus on food, movement and having fun again. Herbal medicine truly does help you cope with stress so much better.
Today I have wonderful energy, I lead a beautiful life that I love, fuel my body with delicious wholefoods and have a daily movement practice that is non-negotiable. I love life and share it with my wonderful husband and two beautiful children. Because of where I have been as a new mum, and where I am now as a well-balanced mum of two, I am passionate about inspiring and empowering other women to do the same.